Affiliate Disclaimer

Sometimes, this blog will include affiliate links. If you click on one of these links and make a purchase, we’ll get a commission. This commission comes at no extra cost to you, and the funds allow this site to operate.

These links are always to products or services that we have personally purchased or used ourselves and think you might like. An affiliate relationship in no way influences the reviews or thoughts posted on this site. We do not receive products/services/anything for free in exchange for mentioning a product or service. The only compensation we receive is the affiliate commission.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

If a post or page contains affiliate links, it will be noted near the top of the post or page.

Other links are to provide you with additional information, and we receive no compensation for directing you to them.

General Disclaimer

All of the content provided on is for informational purposes only and should not be considered life advice or recommendation. We do not guarantee positive outcomes as no two people are the same and such outcomes cannot be guarenteed. All the information found on this site is based on experience and/or the best information available at the time of writing and is believed to be accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge and ability.

Additionally, we are not doctors or certified trainers, health experts or nutrition experts. All health and nutrition information provided is a result of consultation or personal research or experience. You should consult your own doctor or expert before trying anything provided on this blog. We are not responsible for any sickness or injury that you may experience as a result of content posted on this blog.

We do everything it can to provide our readers with the best and most applicable information, but every person and life is different. We cannot guarantee that the information provided will be relevant or helpful to you. (But we hope it is!)

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