girl reading in nature

Recharging is essential for any introvert to have a happy and productive life.

Since I realized I was an introvert and learned what it means to be one, I’ve come to live for recharge time.

I have a whole toolbox of recharge activities depending on how drained I am and what caused my introvert batteries to run low. Today, I’m sharing some of my favorites with you!

Here are my top eight favorite ways to recharge as an introvert.

Take a walk/spend time in nature alone

I did a whole post about the benefits of spending time in nature as an introvert. One big benefit is that it can help you detach and recharge.

You may want to take a walk through a park, or simply sit outside on the grass.

The only downside is not every outdoor location is completely devoid of people, so this may not be ideal if you’ve looking to avoid anything and everything human.

This is my personal favorite when I feel like the busy extrovert-centric society as a whole is asking too much of me. It gives me room to detach without being completely cut off from the calmer and more enjoyable parts of the world.

Stay home alone

This is an ideal activity when you’ve been spending too much time around people. In this case, you may be literally home all by yourself, or it could mean separating yourself behind a closed door.

Maybe you’re not in full-blown introvert hangover mode, but you’ve definitely seen too many people lately and the idea of going into the world for any reason gives you a negative feeling.

What you do at home is totally your call based on your mood. If you have the energy to clean/organize/or work on some kind of project, go for it! Otherwise, consider pairing this with another activity on this list.


If you find yourself with an introvert hangover or just a few steps shy of one, solid sleep can do wonders.

This may mean going to bed early, sleeping in late, or taking a nap. Whatever makes the most sense to you.

As introverts, we get our energy from time alone and we lose energy when we’re around others. So if we’ve spent an extended time around others and our energy is low, it makes perfect sense that would be tired as a result.

It can be hard to find extra time to sleep sometimes, but it’s also one of the easiest ways to recharge. It can also give you one of the biggest returns in the long run.


Giving yourself a nice chunk of time to curl up with a good book can also be a wonderful way to recharge.

As introverts, we often have rich inner worlds and enjoy spending time in our own heads. Giving in to that impulse and enjoying your inner world can help boost your energy levels.

Books and reading help with this because they meet us in our inner world. It’s a solo activity that feeds our imaginations in a way so few activities can.

Reading fiction can also be a great way to escape the more extroverted world. And it allows readers to experience the world of the story from a more observational standpoint, which many introverts enjoy.

Introvert Life Guide Click to Learn more

Binge a show

A lot of times when my introvert batteries are really low, reading is the last thing I want to do–no matter how much I may enjoy it.

Ultimately, I just don’t feel like I have the brainpower to process words on a page. In these instances, binge-watching a show is an awesome way to recharge.

It gives you time to hang out on the couch alone, and it’s benefits are very similar to reading.

You get the opportunity to experience a story from an observational standpoint and have your imagination fed in a way that’s on par with reading a book. And it requires even less effort from your brain.

It’s also a good activity if you want to spend time with someone else (and have the energy for it) but aren’t looking to be directly engaged.

Catch up with a chill friend or family member

If you’re not feeling too rundown, catching up with a chill friend or family member may be the perfect recharge activity.

This is especially true if that chill person is an introvert themselves. Often times, venting to and catching up with another introvert that shares your philosophy and stresses can be cathartic and validating.

This can result in a little bit of an energy boost and some added motivation to carve out some more introvert time for yourself when you need it.

Have a serious self-care day

Take a day to do anything and everything that feeds your soul. Take a bath, do some yoga, take a walk, or do any combination of activities on this list.

Sometimes self-care sounds a little indulgent–especially if you have pressing to-do list–but I’ve found time and time again that slowing down to take care of myself and recharge always pays me back tenfold.

Sometimes, my energy is so low, I just need a solid day (or more!) to get my levels back up.

So if you try one of the activities on this list and find you didn’t get enough of a pick-me-up, consider giving yourself a self-care day!

Avoid too much sensory stimulation

Whatever you decide to do to recharge, it’s a really good idea to avoid anything with too much sensory stimulation.

This includes loud sounds, bright lights, irritating smells, or anything that might get under your skin. Introverts are typically more sensitive to sensory stimuli, and the more drained you are, the more irritating it can be.

One thing you can do to help with this is to recharge in an introvert sanctuary. (In fact, the act of creating that sanctuary can be a great recharge activity in and of itself!)

Looking for more in-depth tips on how to best recharge?

If you want to dig a little deeper into this topic, check out the Introvert Life Guide!

This guide was designed to help you build the introvert life of your dreams. And it’s full of plenty of tips and tricks to help you find how you recharge best and protect your time so you have enough of it to recharge.

It will also help you embrace your introverted nature and build a life to help you thrive!

click to learn more

For more introvert life tips, check out the other introvert posts!

Sound off: How do you get out of social events you don’t want to attend? Tell us about it in the comments!