My favorite curly hair kid products!

I’d like to share a secret, when I was a kid, my mother who permed her hair to be curly didn’t know what in the world to do with my curly mane. It was the 80’s and my mom didn’t have the luxury to seek her favorite website like to get tips on how to tackle my hair. My mom’s hair was fine; my hair is kinky/curly. My sister’s hair was fine and had the slightest curl pattern. My mom used several approaches to tackle all of our hair, but it was mostly trial and error and there little to no curly hair products available. My mom was a nurse, so we’d get up early in the morning and she’d would spend so much time combing through our hair every morning so that we would feel confident for school. My mom’s go-to product for my was Nexxus Humectress Conditioner and would probably purchase this one.
I look forward to sharing more about my curly hair journey in future posts. But for now, I wanted to share that I have kiddos with curly hair and my hair is curly so we have 3 different curly patterns in our household. I don’t know about you, but I spend a fortune on products for their manes.
Hopefully this post helps you bring out the best curls in your kiddos. Just for Me – Hair Detangler | This is the best detangler to spray when working through your kiddo’s curly hair. It’s great to apply wet or when curly. I used this on my “detangle day” with my kiddo.

Detangle Day” is a hard day in our home, but it is necessary to keep my kiddos coils from getting too many knots. Here’s a photo of the bottle on my countertop.
We make this is fun day, but we start with a detangling shampoo such as Just for Me Curl Peace Shampoo from the Just for Me Curl Peace Hair Line. The shampoo helps to start the detangling process.
The Just for Me Curl Peace Detangler Conditioner helps to continue to detangle my kiddos hair. I find that the more product that I put into my kiddo’s hair the better.
I look forward to sharing more curly hair products for kiddos – I hope that it helps with your kiddos!
Curly C!