Month: May 2021

  • 6 Super Relatable INFJ Experiences

    woman sitting on window reading book

    If you’re an INFJ, you’ve likely had your fair share of uniquely relatable INFJ experiences. You’ve probably had these experiences your whole life, even if you didn’t always realize it was an INFJ thing. Personally, I always find posts like this one make me feel seen and validated, which is why I wanted to create […]

  • 8 Tips to Keep in Mind on Your First Disney World Trip

    photo of person holding balloons

    Any Disney World trip is exciting, but there’s a special magic to your first Disney World Trip! However, it goes without saying that there’s a lot to do and plan when you’re headed to Disney World. So much so, that it can even be a little overwhelming once you get to Disney, and it’s time […]