Create Your Own Reality

  • 25+ Curly Girl Approved Conditioners

    Girl with Curly Hair

    If you follow the Curly Girl Method, you need a good conditioner. But of course, every curly girl has different needs, which means it may take some trial and error to find a conditioner that works for you. Here are 25 conditioners to try while you search for your holy grail!  This page does contain […]

  • How to Create a Nighttime Routine


    I believe a good productive day starts with a good night’s sleep the night before. However, this was something I struggled with from time to time in the past. I would stay up to watch T.V. and then have a hard time falling asleep when it was over. Or I developed a habit of working […]

  • How to Advocate for Yourself as an Introvert

    Girl with tea

    Because the world is dominated by extroverts, it’s easy to assume that all people can work and operate under similar conditions. As introverts, we know that’s not the case. We need time to recharge in between social and high-stimulation activities. Sometimes, we need to avoid certain situations all together.  In a world designed for extroverts, […]