Introvert Life

  • Why Yoga is Good for INFJs and Introverts

    About five years ago, I started doing yoga. This wasn’t really something I planned or ever thought I’d want to do. I wouldn’t say I was a yoga hater, but I was pretty skeptical that it could be as beneficial as people claimed it was. Then I started going through a phase where I wanted […]

  • Introvert Life: How to Create an Introvert Sanctuary

    I firmly believe that every introvert needs a go-to recharge destination. A place you can daydream about when you’re out and your batteries start to drain, or a place you can go to without a second thought when you just need a break. I like to call this place an Introvert Sanctuary. Today we’re going […]

  • Introverts: 9 Responses to “Why are you so quiet?”

    One of, if not THE, most common question introverts get is “why are you so quiet?” I legitimately think this is a rude question. If it’s coming from someone who knows you well enough to think your silence means something is wrong, it’s one thing. But more often than not, it’s coming from someone who […]