
If you’re an INFJ, you may or may not have heard of the INFJ door slam.

Odds are, even if you haven’t heard of it before, there’s a good chance you’ve put it into practice.

I didn’t learn about MBTI or discover my INFJ personality type until I was in my mid-twenties. When I learned what the INFJ door slam is, I realized I’d definitely done it a handful of times in the past.

Today, we’ll look at what the INFJ door slam is, when it can happen, why it can happen, how long it lasts, and how INFJs can recover.

What is the INFJ door slam?

The INFJ door slam is a defense mechanism built into most (if not all) INFJs.

Essentially, when an INFJ has been pushed too far by a person or group, they will abruptly and definitively cut off all ties to this person or group.

This response is similar to slamming a door with the offending party on the other side.

If a conflict reaches the door slam stage, there is very little room for discussion.

However, this response doesn’t come easily. INFJs are typically very forgiving, so if the door slam happens, it’s because the INFJ has given someone every possible chance and been hurt deeply and repeatedly.

Utilizing the door slam is not a decision the INFJ makes lightly. If they’re pulling it out of their toolbox, it’s to protect themselves from giving more than they can afford to give.

The door slam is not done out of malice. It often comes into play when an INFJ realizes they don’t have any more energy to give to the offender.

In most cases, they don’t wish any ill will towards the person on the receiving end. They simply stop caring and stop giving the person their time and energy.

When can the INFJ door slam happen?

Like we touched on, the door slam often comes after a series of repeated offenses from a person or group of people.

INFJs typically like to see the best in people–especially their family, friends, and institutions they believe in. They will accept apologies and do their best to move past most conflicts.

However, when a person makes it a habit of apologizing but then continues their hurtful behavior, there will come a point where the INFJ will simply cut this person out of their life.

It may seem abrupt to the person on the receiving end. This may largely be because this person has gotten so accustomed to being forgiven, that they’re genuinely stunned when it doesn’t happen again.

However, door slams are almost always the result of repeated situations, offenses, and abuses that have been building over time.

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Why does the INFJ door slam happen?

INFJs will often resort to the door slam when they’ve been repeatedly hurt. This may be physical, but more often than not, it’s emotional.

It may also happen if they feel their time, energy, or support is being consistently taken advantage of.

INFJs often don’t mind giving their time, energy and support to loved ones. But it’s important that their boundaries be respected and that the actions be reciprocated when the INFJ is in need.

A door slam may also come into effect when a person has done any of these things to someone the INFJ cares about, or if a person is being outwardly and repeatedly hurtful to a vulnerable group of people.

The INFJ may first try to educate and correct the offending party, but if it’s clear this person has no interest in making a change, the door slam will likely be implemented.

For more on the INFJ door slam, check out this post.

Is it forever?

Often times, yes, the door slam is forever.

This is largely because the door slam isn’t something that the INFJ jumps to. It’s only put into place after other forms of conflict resolution have been implemented.

This means that by the time the door slam is used, the person on the receiving end has proven that their hurtful or careless behavior isn’t a one-time thing or a mistake. It’s a pattern of behavior that’s not likely to change.

Simply put, it’s who this person is.

The INFJ is very forgiving, but there’s a breaking point. It can take a lot for a person to push an INFJ to that point, so if it happens, it means a significant amount of damage has been done and trust has been severely violated.

And at the end of the day, there are few things the INFJ values more than trust. By the time the door slam is put into place, the INFJ has often decided that they don’t trust this person not to continue to hurt them.

It is incredibly difficult to win an INFJ back once trust has been violated on such a deep level.

But with that said, it isn’t always impossible. If a person can prove to the INFJ (over an extended period of time) that their behavior has truly changed, it may be possible to get past the door slam.

But it will take a significant amount of work on the part of the offender.

How to recover

The door slam is often swift and definitive. Once an INFJ is done, they are so done they often come off as cold and emotionless.

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy on the INFJ. If you’re an INFJ going through a door slam, you may find it takes you some time to recover from it.

This will be in part because the period leading up to the door slam was so damaging and agonizing, it may leave you emotionally drained.

It can also be in part because the person you’re door slamming once played an important role in your life. Therefore, cutting them out can be a painful and difficult thing to do.

Give yourself time to recover. Take time off from work or school if you can. Retreat to your introvert sanctuary, and consider implementing some self-care tactics that are similar to recovering from an introvert hangover.

You also may want to try some of these recharging tips.

Ultimately, it’s important to keep in mind, that this tactic is there to help you remove toxic people from your life.

Reflect on your experience with this person. Call to mind the numerous chances you gave them. Call to mind the numerous ways they violated your trust and boundaries.

Then give yourself credit for protecting and standing up for yourself, and allow yourself to heal from the experience.

Looking for more in-depth tips on how to build your best, happiest introvert life?

If you want to dig a little deeper into this topic, check out the Introvert Life Guide!

This guide was designed to help you build the introvert life of your dreams.

It will also help you embrace your introverted nature and build a life to help you thrive!

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For more introvert life tips, check out the other introvert posts!

Sound off: Have you had experience with the INFJ door slam? Tell us about it in the comments!