Month: March 2019

  • How Cutting Down on Technology Made Me Happier

    Like everything in life, technology has its pros and cons. It’s great to be able to contact someone instantly, type and save a document, and share the things we care about on social media. But it can also be draining and distracting to be so connected all the time. A few years ago, I noticed […]

  • How to Navigate Parties as an Introvert

    Let’s be real, more often than not, parties are a form of introvert hell. That’s not to say they aren’t fun for some, or that we can’t enjoy them, but introverts tend to enjoy small social gatherings with close friends or family, as opposed to a full scale party. The pains of small talk, the […]

  • Everything Bagel Popcorn

    Popcorn is my go-to snack when I want something crunchy. Because I try to be healthier where I can, I’ve had many days where I’m in the mood for popcorn but not looking for it to be coated in butter. That’s where the Everything Bagel Popcorn comes in! I was gifted this seasoning over the […]