Month: December 2019

  • Curly Girl Method Beginners: Curly Girl FAQs

    In April of 2020, I’ll be able to say that I’ve been following the Curly Girl Method for two years and blogging about it for one. In this time, I’ve come across my share of frequently asked questions. Some were also my own when I first started the Curly Girl Method. Others, I’ve gotten in […]

  • 10 Things To Do On Your First Disney World Visit

    If you’ve never been to Disney World before, the sheer size and number of options may be both exciting and a little intimidating. There are TONS of ride and activities to do in Disney World, but without any prior experience, it might be hard to know what to prioritize and what to attack first. This […]

  • How to Navigate Busy Times as an Introvert

    Busy times can take a lot out of an introvert. No matter how much we might try to avoid them, everyone goes through a busy spell here and there. Maybe you’ve got a really busy month at work. Maybe your whole family has a really busy month socially and personally. Or maybe it’s a holiday […]