Month: April 2023

  • 75+ Curly Girl Approved Shampoos and Conditioners

    If you’re looking for a master post on Curly Girl Approved shampoos and conditioners, this post has you covered! Shampoo and conditioner often go hand-in-hand, so it made sense to put them on one list. Shampoo isn’t essential to the curly girl method, a lot of us prefer it to co-washing. As for conditioners, this […]

  • The Awesome Curly Hair Products I Use Every Day

    photo of woman wearing black tank top

    Today I’m sharing the curly hair products I use on a regular basis! These products are all curly girl approved, but you don’t have to be following the curly girl method to get great results! Of course, this is based on my experience, based on my 3a/3b hair type. Your results may be different. It’s […]