Month: March 2019

  • 25+ Curly Girl Approved Hair Gels

    Girl with Curly Hair

    Gel is a staple product of The Curly Girl Method, but finding the best one for your hair can be a challenge. And of course, half the battle is just finding gels that are Curly Girl Approved. This list has you covered! If you’re searching for the perfect curly girl gel, here are 25 to […]

  • How to Take Control of Your Time

    pocket watch

    We live in a world that values self-sacrifice, and while there are times when that is good, admirable, and necessary, it’s not a sustainable way to live on a day to day basis. One of the biggest ways I’ve notice people being more self-sacrificing than is ideal or healthy is when it comes to their […]

  • Quick and Healthy Cinnamon Maple Pecan Oatmeal

    This Cinnamon Maple Pecan Oatmeal is a quick, tasty, and healthy breakfast!  It comes together in minutes, giving you a good start to you day, without having to wake up at the crack of dawn. (If I’m being honest, it’s also been a pretty reliable lunch for me when I’m in a rush and/or forgot […]