Month: July 2019

  • The Curly Girl Method Quick Start Guide

    If you’re looking to dive into the Curly Girl Method as quickly and easily as possible, this is the post for you! One of the early posts on this blog was a full breakdown of how to start the Curly Girl Method. That post was twelve steps long and covered the ins and outs of […]

  • How to Save Money in Disney World

    It goes without saying that Disney World is expensive. However, there are a handful of ways that you can save some money and still have a magical time! Here are a few tips and tricks if you’re looking to save money in Disney World! Side note: This page does contain affiliate links, which means if […]

  • Why School Can Be Hard for Introverts

    For the most part, I loved school! I loved learning, spending time with my friends, and even participating in after-school activities. This was true from elementary school straight through high school. But there were also aspects of school that were really hard for me. I found myself tired all the time, and I found my […]