Month: April 2021

  • How to Dye Your Own Curly Hair | The Curly Girl Method

    Curly Girl

    Today, we’re going to cover a topic I’ve been wanting to get to for a while: How to dye your own curly hair. I died my hair twice now with the tips in the post, and I’ve had success each time. The steps you’ll find in the post really could be applied dying any type […]

  • How to Modify Extroverted Events to Be Introvert Friendly

    purple fireworks effect

    Living in an extroverted world can mean lots of extroverted events. This can include parties, loud crowded restaurants, concerts, etc. While introverts may be less keen on a lot of those experiences, they’re also situations we might enjoy–with some more introvert friendly perimeters. As I’ve said before on this blog (and will likely say again), […]