Month: October 2022

  • 50+ Curly Girl Approved Styling Products

    photo of woman wearing black tank top

    If you follow the Curly Girl Method, you need some good styling products. But of course, every curly girl has different needs, which means it may take some trial and error to find the right products that work for you. Gel is a curly girl staple, but you may also find that your hair likes […]

  • 5 Awesome INFJ Tips to Improve Your Life

    brown book on brown textile

    If you’re an INFJ, today I’ve got 5 INFJ life tips to help you improve your INFJ life. I’ve talked in the past about how learning I was an INFJ drastically improved my life. Over the years, there are many tips, tools, and techniques I’ve used to set myself up for success in a world […]

  • 6 Reasons It’s AWESOME to Be an Introvert

    photo of woman raising both hands

    There are so many reasons why it’s awesome to be an introvert that don’t get talked about nearly enough! This post is aiming to shine a light on a handful of these reasons. With that in mind, here are 6 reasons why it’s awesome to be an introvert! Introverts are great at making meaningful connections […]